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Wright Robinson College

Student Leadership


At Wright Robinson, we firmly believe that student leadership lies at the heart of our college and enables young people to have unique perspectives on learning, teaching and schooling in general. We encourage students to think about how to enact their understanding of human rights and responsibilities in practical ways. It builds the necessary skills, confidence and motivation for young people to engage directly in the wider improvement of the school and, in particular in the improvement of their own learning experiences.

Our comprehensive student leadership programme at Wright Robinson College provides opportunities for leadership both within the classroom environment and in more formal leadership roles. Student voice and leadership are key drivers in supporting our school community, stimulating and developing a spirit of trust, responsibility and mutual respect, whilst allowing students to develop creatively and critically. As students move through the leadership opportunities, an application and recruitment process is sometimes required. This builds on the personal development process enabling character traits of self-management and confidence.


View our Student Leadership Page for How to get involved...