Student Leadership
At Wright Robinson, we firmly believe that student leadership lies at the heart of our college and enables young people to have unique perspectives on learning, teaching and schooling in general. We encourage students to think about how to enact their understanding of human rights and responsibilities in practical ways. It builds the necessary skills, confidence and motivation for young people to engage directly in the wider improvement of the school and, in particular in the improvement of their own learning experiences.
Our comprehensive student leadership programme at Wright Robinson College provides opportunities for leadership both within the classroom environment and in more formal leadership roles. Student voice and leadership are key drivers in supporting our school community, stimulating and developing a spirit of trust, responsibility and mutual respect, whilst allowing students to develop creatively and critically. As students move through the leadership opportunities, an application and recruitment process is sometimes required. This builds on the personal development process enabling character traits of self-management and confidence.
SSAT Student Leadership Accreditation
Students can begin their leadership journey in Year 7 following a nationally recognised award developed by the SSAT. There is a range of opportunities across a variety of departments and year groups to become involved in the programme. The leadership roles identify, develop and refine the characteristics of each student, contributes to the community and provides opportunities to work with a variety of people.
The SSAT Student Leadership Accreditation has three levels of engagement, which allows access to all of our students. Students are able to enter the award at any level and can also work through the award during their time at the college. The SLA (Student Leadership Accreditation) offers a formal way to champion and celebrate the leadership skills our secondary students develop in and out of school, requiring students to create a portfolio in which they gather and upload evidence to showcase their skills.
How to get involved...
Y7 Buddy
During the Year 6 Graduation week and Year 5 Super Learning days, year 7 pupils are given the opportunity to be a Year 7 Buddy. The role involves guiding and helping the primary schools pupils around school. Two buddies are attached to each form and mentor the pupils. The role also helps with the pupil’s transition from primary to secondary. The prefects are a vital part of the week and do a fantastic job each year.
Y8 PAL (Physical Activity Leader)
Year 8 PAL (Physical Activity Leader) - Aim to provide more opportunities for year 7 & 8 pupils to participate in physical activity during lunchtime. Year 8 leaders are divided into ten teams, each team consisting of in between 6 – 8 leaders. The teams are assigned a day of the week and a quad. Within the teams, there is a team leader and a number of activities allocated to each team member. The activities are skipping, basketball, football and kwik cricket. Pupils lead the activities as either recreational or as a competition.
Y8 Language Ambassadors
Language Ambassadors will support at languages events throughout the year for example, Open Evening, European Day of Languages and Culture Day. Students who speak another language at home will deliver taster sessions to students and assist in helping staff run extra-curricular clubs. They will be responsible for ensuring the KS3 French leaderboard is regularly updated and will also be role models for others within lessons and assist with giving out books and equipment.
Y9 Young Leader
At the start of year 9 all pupils are given the opportunity to apply for become a Young Leader. The role involves:
- Lead activities and events through the Sainsbury’s School Games
- Working with Primary school pupils
- Mentoring younger pupils
- Running fun exciting sessions for them
Y9 Drama Leaders
After a successful application, pupils will embark on leadership training sessions with both a member of staff and a select number of Y10 pupils who participated in the programme the previous year. Pupils are required to plan and deliver a number of drama club sessions to our Year 7 & Year 8 drama club.
Y10 Peer Mentor
Peer Mentors run a drop in centre at lunchtime in the library to give additional support to year 7 and 8 students. This can include homework support, revision support, building friendship groups and one to one reading.
Y10/11 Art Leader
Year 10 art leaders assist with the running of the weekly art club for KS3. They assist staff by helping the younger students and helping to organise equipment they help and plan run lessons and as their confidence grows, they plan and run their own sessions. A year 10 art leader is an advocate for the arts and helps promote the arts across the school by helping out with events such as the art exhibition including organising and assisting with the displays and helping out on the day. Art leaders would also engage with any other external or extra curriculum activities that the faculty is involved with such as Wild in Art.
Y7-9 Lead Library Assistant
This is an opportunity for any existing Library Assistant. The Lead Library Assistant needs to demonstrate a commitment to the library by fulfilling the following roles:
- Act as a role model to all other Library Assistants
- Cover duties of Library Assistants in their absence
- Be able to carry out all library duties to a high standard
- Have the confidence to delegate duties to other Library Assistants and communicate any messages
- Show enthusiasm and initiative e.g help me to organise events
Wellbeing Champions Years 7-11
The aim of a Wellbeing Champion is help the college to maintain a mentally healthy school by both promoting positive mental health and raising awareness. The successful applicants will be students who champion wellbeing and positive mental health with the college and community. The roles and responsibilities are to promote awareness days and deliver MMMB wellbeing weeks, create and manage the wellbeing walls, support staff in MMMB assemblies, drive and develop MMMB further, work with the healthy schools coordinator and show visitors / awards for wellbeing support.
House Captains and House Leaders Years 7-11
Each of the six Houses has two Year Captains in each year group from Year 7 – 11 who help the head of house recruit teams for the various competitions throughout the year. The house captains also assist in promoting events, and visit classrooms of their fellow housemates during form time to help promote and sign students up. House captains also assist the head of house in assemblies every term.
At Wright Robinson, prefects are expected to establish and maintain the highest standards of behaviour, attitude and appearance at all times and provide a positive role model for other pupils. Students apply for the role of Prefect and are appointed each year to undertake various roles and responsibilities around the college.
Year 11 Prefects role includes:
- Acting as a role model and ambassador to the college
- Duty points around college
- Helping and leading at whole school events
- Working as a team with both staff and students to help with the day to day running of the college
- Outstanding behaviour and attitude
- Full commitment to school life
Senior Prefects
During the application process, senior prefects are selected. These students have a variety of skills and experience. They will have been involved in the leadership programme earlier inI their college life and may have leadership responsibilities within the community. These students Lead and represent the student body at school wide functions, such as Open Evenings and Parents’ Evenings, meeting with and talking to adults and students. They also help to run and monitor duty points and peer mentors.
Student Executive Leadership Team (SELT)
The Student Executive Leadership Team includes the roles of Head Boy/Girl, Deputy Head Boy/Girl and Assistant Head Boy/Girl and all Senior Prefects are entitled to apply for these positions. They apply via an application form and then are shortlisted to an interview with the Headteacher, Deputy Head Teacher, Year Team Director and Pupil Leadership Coordinator. Student Executive Leadership Team members should have followed the leadership programme in some form from and have developed all of the necessary skills and qualities to prepare them for their role. A member of the students executive leadership team have the responsibility to:
- Lead and represent the student body at school wide functions, such as Open Evenings and Parents’ Evenings, meeting with and talking to adults and students.
- Expected to lead school wide tours for visitors and to answer questions as well as share the schools vision with visitors.
- To plan and present at assemblies to various year groups.
Head Boy and Girl
Head Boy and Girl are the pinnacle leadership roles within the school. These students are selected during the interview process for the SELT. Head boys and girl have an abundance of leadership experience and have immersed themselves fully into school life. They are confident and the ability to communicate effectively. They are reliability and dedicated and have the ability to inspire other students and command the respect of peers. They work closely with the Head Teacher and are the student representative for the College at all events.