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Wright Robinson College

School Council


At Wright Robinson we firmly believe that student leadership lies at the heart of our college and enables young people to have unique perspectives on learning, teaching and schooling in general. We encourage students to think about how to enact their understanding of human rights and responsibilities in practical ways. It builds the necessary skills, confidence and motivation for young people to engage directly in the wider improvement of the school and, in particular in the improvement of their own learning experiences.

What is School Council

The School Council is a body of students elected by their peers in a formal election setting and involves giving students the opportunities to develop and practice leadership skills in a supportive, learning and social environment. These students represent the views of all the pupils and consider ways to improve their school.

The school council is made up of 2 representatives from each tutor group. The council representatives discuss matters about their education, school life, community and raise any concerns with their Year group.

The director for each year group hosts a year council meeting every half term. Following on from this, all information which is collated in the year council meeting is then discussed in a lead council meeting with the senior management team and student leadership coordinator. The lead council consists of 10 students. Two pupils from each year group.

School Council Activities

The School Council representatives meet to discuss matters about:

  • their education
  • college life
  • the community
  • and to act as a voice to represent their year group

The director for each year group hosts a year council meeting every half term. Following on from this, all information which is collated in the year council meeting is then discussed in a lead council meeting with the senior management team and student leadership coordinator.

The Lead Council consists of 10 students. Two pupils from each year group.