Parents Evening
Parents Evening are an extremely important part of your child's journey at Wright Robinson. At Parents' evenings, teachers will focus around key points in your child’s report, whist providing you with an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress. These discussions will support the improvements needed for greater levels of progress for your child.
Reports will be sent out prior to the evening. Reports contain important information on the progress of your child, and you are encouraged to read it carefully prior to the evening.
Virtual Parents' Evening
For virtual parents' evening the college uses the SchoolCloud system.
If a parents' evening is due to take place via SchoolCloud, you will receive an invitation containing the details. The meetings will be accessible via laptops, tablets, mobile phones or other internet devices.
Booking appointments
Bookings must be made through the easy-to-use online appointment booking system. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers.
You will need to make appointments in advance of the evening.
Please visit to book your appointments.
Please login with the following information: Forename : Surname : DOB
Once the bookings have been made, you will receive an email confirming your appointments. Please be aware that this email may fall into your junk mail.
A short guide on how to use the SchoolCloud system is available below.
Unfortunately, the system works to clearly defined timings and sessions will be automatically ‘timed out’ once the appointment time has ended. Please be aware that this cannot be overridden by staff.
The feedback for the SchoolCloud virtual parents' evening platform has been extremely positive.