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Wright Robinson College

Employee Benefits

Wright Robinson College has been chosen as one of the UK's Best Places to Work 2024. The Sunday Times has revealed the Best Places to Work in the UK for 2024. This nationwide workplace survey honours and celebrates Britain's top employers and acknowledges the best workplaces for women, LGBTQIA+ community, disabled employees, ethnic minorities, younger and older workers, and wellbeing. 

 Wright Robinson College is the only high school in the UK to be named as a Times Best Place to Work 2024. 

We have a wide range of employee benefits available to all of our staff in order to attract, retain and contribute towards improving wellbeing. We are always looking at ways in which we can improve our offering to ensure that our benefits are valuable to our staff.


On joining Wright Robinson, we automatically enrol you into one of our workplace pension schemes, either the Teachers’ Pension Fund (TP) or the Local Government Pension Fund (LGPF). Once you are enrolled you will commence paying into your pension via automatic payments from your monthly pay and the Trust will also contribute to your pension. Public sector pensions are renowned for being far better investments than private pensions.

Research Day (term-time day off)

Each academic year, all staff are entitled to a research day to be taken on a day of their choice.

Positive work environment 

An established Pastoral System led by staff who do not have a teaching commitment is in place with a fully embedded Behaviour Policy and rewards system as well as a dedicated and specialist staff network. This has led to an exceptionally positive and rewarding working environment and culture with exemplary student attitudes to learning. 

Family Friendly Support

Enhanced family leave is available to support our staff with family commitments and to maintain a work-life balance. We also consider all applications for flexible working.

Employee Assistance Programme (BUPA)

Face-to-face and/or telephone counselling - up to eight sessions for all employees via BUPA (external confidential provider) and access to a 24/7 health line. Some of the topics that an expert can support with are:

  • stress
  • bereavement
  • coping with change
  • financial worries
  • anxiety and depression
  • substance misuse
  • family issues

Occupational Health

The Occupational Health Service provides advice and support to all Trust staff focusing on the promotion of health and wellbeing and prevention of ill health at work.

CPD/Staff development

We have a strong programme of staff CPD which includes the 'Let's Develop' newsletter published half-termly to all staff. As further professional learning is at the heart of what we do, we provide a comprehensive range of externally accredited programmes and in-house learning and development opportunities to staff at any stage in their career. We also have regular staff promotion opportunities.

Early Careers Teacher's (ECT) Programme

The provision for Early Career Teacher's is extensive and goes beyond statutory provision. All ECT's are allocated trained subject and professional mentors and in-house bespoke development programme supports development for the full two years. Sessions are tailored to individual staff needs and time is allocated for mentor meetings.

Mental Health First Aiders

We have qualified Mental Health First Aiders in college offering support to anyone who may need it or in the event of a mental health crisis. Mental Health First Aiders are trained to spot the early signs of poor mental health and appropriately sign-post towards treatment and other sources of support.

Well-being Hub

Our Wellbeing HUB is home to information regarding health & wellbeing support services available to all staff. We have a member of staff dedicated to wellbeing and the HUB includes information about signposting, Wellbeing Champions, Mental Health awareness, online learning, toolkits, workshops, guidance information and more. All staff are able to access the Headspace app for free.

 We take a proactive approach to staff wellbeing by a number of workload reduction strategies including: reduction of meeting times, calendared work-life balance slots, teaching staff do not take detentions, reduction in data drops and we also employ internal cover supervisors to reduce the pressure of lesson cover for absence.

State of the art facilities 

All staff can use the on-site gym and swimming pool out of college hours. We also offer fitness classes and sports events/competitions for staff to enjoy.

Free on-site car parking

We have a large secure staff car park on the college grounds which is free for staff to use. We also have accessible parking available.

On-site car valeting

We have an on-site car valeting scheme in place where you can have your car valeted in the staff car park whilst at work, one less weekend job to do!

Cycle to work scheme

Through the Cycle to Work scheme, eligible staff can purchase a new bike paid for through a salary sacrifice arrangement, significant savings in income tax and NI can be made for the employee. We also provide secure cycle parking for staff.

On-site canteen 

All staff have access to an affordable onsite canteen.