What is careers ?
It’s about young people finding purpose, discovering what matters to them, their place in the world, the point of studying and getting up in the morning. Sometimes people think careers is just about information about options and planning for the future. It’s so much more. It can give hope, meaning, purpose, self-esteem and the ability to navigate the challenges of life |
At Wright Robinson we aim to provide a stable careers programme to enable students to make a successful transition into further education or the world of work. We aim to be inspirational, create awareness of employability skills, understand labour market information and ensure we provide access to all pathways including personal guidance, remaining impartial at all times.
To read the full careers policy please click.
Measuring Impact - College will assess the impact of it's careers programmes on students by completing an annual student survey and analysing destinations data in line with activities that they have taken part in at school. In addition, the views of students and parents will be surveyed after key events e.g. pathways event, Year 10 work experience etc
Key Stage 3
Activity is focused around exploration of skills and links to employability through our online career platform: Xello. During subject lessons, links to careers are embedded in lesson plans to cement knowledge and connect the relevance of learning. National Careers Week is a whole school focus which raises awareness via assemblies, employer visits, form activities, employer talks and promotion of careers websites. Students are made aware that they can drop-in to the careers office before school, during break and lunch to ask questions or for help. Our careers lead attends parents evening for year 9. Students take part in an enterprise day to enable them to have a better understanding of the world of work and the many job roles within an organisation.
Key Stage 4
We work on students developing career management skills through work experience, visits to workplaces, mock interviews,further and higher education and careers fairs, with an emphasis on research and developing personal action plans developed on Xello
wright robinson post 16 options flyer 2022.pdf
The flyer above is issued to all students in Year 11 to explain post 16 options. Students receive a 1 to 1 career guidance interview by a qualified impartial adviser. They also complete a career action plan prior to the interview so they can gather thoughts and ideas and put them to paper for future discussion and development. CV lesson writing also prepares them for life after school. A pathways event is the main annual career fair for parents and students. Presentations from local employers, apprenticeships, colleges and universities provide latest information they then have the opportunity to speak to those businesses after in the exhibition hall.
Our careers lead attends parents evening for both Year 10 and twice for Year 11.
We measure success by reviewing activities and reflecting on effectiveness, also by consulting with the student council on elements of the program. Staff and parents are also invited to feedback on our offer. We conduct feedback surveys around 1 to 1 guidance by students. Trip and event feedback is also conducted by staff and students. This is all fed back into the careers lead to improve and develop the careers program.
The Gatsby Benchmarks were developed to provide a clear framework for organising careers provision. These benchmarks have been accepted as best practice by the government and so we have the responsibility to implement them in college. Below is our latest report.
Information for Students
Students can drop-in to see Mrs Flood, our careers adviser, in her office during break, lunch or after school if they have any questions or need advice on career related matters.
See our careers programme for details of what you can expect during your time at Wright Robinson.
Our programme includes:
- Careers Assemblies
- Career-focused tutor time
- Career sessions in PSHE
- Employer encounters
- Workplace experiences
- Mock interviews
- Career guidance interviews
A new careers platform is available for students and as it’s online, we encourage you to go on and learn all about options for their future and get the latest information.
Students can access from school or from home.
Click here to access Xello
What can I do in Xello ?
- Personalise your account
- Matchmaker
- Learning Style
- Lessons
- Create goals and plans
Information for Parents
At Wright Robinson students are offered comprehensive advice and a wide range of opportunities to develop their awareness about future careers. We provide a full careers programme
Our Careers Lead, Mrs Flood, is available by telephone or email to speak about any matters relating to careers. She also attends Parents’ Evenings for students in Year 8, 9, 10 and 11.
If your child has additional needs Mrs Pugh attends review meetings for students in all year groups and provides information and guidance where appropriate.
Careers Lead: Amy Flood
Telephone: 0161 370 5121
Useful Resources:
Government School Leaving Age Information
16-19 Bursary Fund for financial help whilst at college
Our Pass – Free bus travel for 16-18 year olds
A Guide to Understanding Apprenticeships
Free and impartial information, advice and guidance to help you with your decisions about careers, courses and work
National Apprenticeship Service
Information on apprenticeship vacancies.
Information on degree courses, entry requirements.
A free site, take a quiz and find out your course, career and apprenticeship matches here. With links to universities, employers and degree apprenticeships.
Real-life career videos with Labour Market Information
Information for Teachers
Teachers are an influential part of the decision making of students. We aim to support you by providing:
- Our careers programme
- Inset day CPD talks
- Awareness of Xello our WR online careers portal
- A Careers Champion for each subject
- Website links to pass on to students
- Subject-specific posters to display
All teachers at Wright Robinson, are aware of the relevance of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects for a wide range of future careers.
Teachers should be able to talk about careers related to their subject and understand the routes pathways and skills in demand from employers.
Please email feedback, comments or suggestions about our Careers Programme to Amy Flood, Careers Lead:
Gatsby Benchmarks
The Government’s new Careers Strategy published in 2017 set out the plan for building a high quality careers system that will help young people to succeed. The Gatsby Benchmarks define all the elements of an excellent Careers Programme. We are working towards achieving all 8 Gatsby Benchmarks by 2020.
Benchmark 4 and 5
We have now implemented career slides into schemes of work in Maths, English, Science, PSHE, languages, PE. Examples of some slides below.
Recommended Websites
The following websites are a good source of information and can be used for signposting students who ask for more information;
STEM Learning is the UK’s largest provider of education and careers support in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
Free and impartial information, advice and guidance to help you with decisions about careers, courses and work.
National Apprenticeship Service
Information on apprenticeship vacancies.
A guide to understanding apprenticeships
For information on degree courses and entry requirements.
Useful to see how the demand for job sectors are performing in your area.
Careers Policy
wright robinson careers policy 2024.pdf
We welcome employers to make contact with us in order to work with our students.
Please see our:
We have close links with many external partners in Greater Manchester, including;
Enterprise Co-ordinator- Karen Gerrard (Greater Manchester Combined Authority)
Enterprise Advisor- Sandra Robinson (WSP)
If you have any queries about our careers programme please contact our Careers Adviser, Mrs Amy Flood, by email: or by phone: 0161 370 5121 ext 8344.