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Wright Robinson College

Business Enterprise

Curriculum INTENT

The Business Faculty aspires to develop the young entrepreneurs of the future through an aspirational, diverse and challenging learning environment where all students can become successful no matter their starting point.  We aim to raise all student’s aspirations by removing barriers to learning and delivering relevant and transferable business skills. 

 Our vision is to prepare our students to access and transition further through higher education and ultimately prepare them for the ever developing range of opportunities in our region and beyond. The Business Faculty helps our students to achieve this aim through the highest standards of teaching informed by research and using many of the schools professional links to industry experts to provide meaningful and challenging scenario based learning. The business faculty celebrates an inclusive and diverse curriculum whereby personal and academic achievements are developed and celebrated on their journey to success.

Curriculum End Points

 KS4 End Points 

  • Developed knowledge of business concepts, business terminology, business objectives, the integrated nature of business activity and the impact of business on individuals and wider society.
  • Developed core knowledge and understanding, including the range of enterprises and the key features and factors that contribute to an enterprise’s success.
  • Developed and applied skills such as analysing research, information, planning and financial forecasting, communicating and problem solving.
  • Reflective practice through presenting an enterprise idea that allows learners to reflect on their own communication skills.
  • Developed knowledge of enterprising individuals with the ability to think commercially and creatively to demonstrate business acumen, and draw on evidence to make informed business decisions and solve business problems.
  • Develop as effective and independent students, and as critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds.
  • Use an enquiring, critical approach to make informed judgements.
  • Investigate and analyse real business opportunities and issues to construct well-argued, well-evidenced, balanced and structured arguments, demonstrating their depth and breadth of understanding of business.
  • Develop and apply quantitative skills relevant to business, including using and interpreting data.


Curriculum Map


curriculum journey candb.pdf


 What we study

Learners will:

  • Delve deeper into how various businesses work.
  • Appreciate the importance of business planning and understanding the market.
  • Analyse and evaluate the skills they develop.

At the start of the course learners will explore the terms used in business and research how various enterprise sectors work; how they operate and the factors that can influence their success. They will also explore how businesses plan for success and understand the market, customer needs and competitor behaviour. Learners will then have the opportunity to explore what it means to plan, pitch and review a business enterprise idea of their own, develop key skills and discover potential careers. BTEC Tech Award qualifications are practical, work-related courses that allows learners to complete projects and assignments based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands. The work that learners complete in lessons, as homework, written assignments and their performance in certain situations will be continuously assessed throughout the course. Learners opting for this course will have the opportunity to gain the equivalent of one GCSE.


Course structure

To gain a Tech Award in Enterprise, learners study the following 3 Components:

Component 1: Exploring Enterprises (30% coursework)

Component 2: Planning for and Pitching an Enterprise Activity (30% coursework)

Component 3: Promotion and Finance for Enterprise (40% external exam)

NOTE: Components 1 and 2 are assessed by means of a coursework portfolio with Component 3 completed as a synopsis activity, externally assessed by Edexcel.


What can I do at the end of the course?

The BTEC Tech Award in Enterprise is valued by employers and can be a route to employment or to a higher level Business Studies programme. If learners decide to go straight into employment, they might obtain a trainee or apprenticeship position. These positions may be available in finance and general administration, sales and marketing, retailing, warehousing and distribution, insurance, general management and personnel administration. If learners use their BTEC Tech Award in Enterprise to progress on to a BTEC National Extended Certificate in Business, possibly followed by a degree, a range of professions and occupations could be open to them. Those who gain higher and professional qualifications in business and business-related subjects, such as accountancy, marketing, personnel and banking, may progress into any number of careers including; accountancy; marketing & sales; purchasing; banking; human resources; retail management; logistics.


KS4 Curriculum

Curriculum Overview
10.1 Component 1 T&L 11.1 Comp 2Official Coursework [30%]
10.2 Comp 1 Practice Assessment 11.2 Comp 2Official Coursework [30%]
10.3 Comp 1 Official Coursework [30%] 11.3 Comp 3 Section A & B
10.4 Comp 1 Official Coursework [30%] 11.4 Comp 3 Section B & C (Mock)
10.5 Comp 1 Official Coursework [30%] + Comp 2 Practice Assessment 11.5 Comp 3 T&L Recap + Exam [40%]
10.6 Comp 2 Practice Assessment 11.6 Study Leave

Students are assessed at the following points in the year KS4:


10.1 & 10.2

10.3 & 10.4

10.5 & 10.6


Comp1: Exploring Enterprises Assessment

Component 1 Official Coursework (30%)

Comp2: Planning and Presenting a Micro-Enterprise Idea Assessment




11.3 & 11.4

11.5 & 11.6


Component 2 Official Coursework (30%)

Comp3: Marketing activities, Financial documents and statements & Financial planning and forecasting Assessments + Mock

Component 3 Official exam  (40%)



Component 1: Exploring Enterprises

• Examine the characteristics of enterprises.

• Explore how market research helps enterprises to meet customer needs and understand competitor behaviour.

• Investigate the factors that contribute to the success of an enterprise.


Component 2: Planning for and Pitching an Enterprise Activity

• Explore ideas and plan for a micro-enterprise activity.

• Pitch a micro-enterprise activity.

• Review own pitch for a micro-enterprise activity.


How can parents help?

  •  Encourage your child to read current business news and events.
  •  Discuss your opinions about nearby businesses with your child.
  •  Encourage your child to link school learning to real-life business events.
  •  If possible, share financial understanding with your child; costs, revenue etc.



Component 2: Planning for and Pitching an Enterprise Activity

• Explore ideas and plan for a micro-enterprise activity.

• Pitch a micro-enterprise activity.

• Review own pitch for a micro-enterprise activity.


Component 3: Promotion and Finance for Enterprise

• Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of elements of promotion and financial records.

• Interpret and use promotional and financial information in relation to a given enterprise.

• Make connections between different factors influencing a given enterprise.

• Be able to advise and provide recommendations to a given enterprise on ways to improve its performance.


How can parents help?

  •  Encourage your child to discuss their financial knowledge and learning.
  •  If possible, share financial understanding with your child; costs, revenue etc.
  •  Remind them to pace their exam revision, not leave it all for the last minute.
  •  Utilise the exam board revision guide and study materials provided.