Advice & Guidance
Help and support
Self Harm Support
self harm booklet a guide for parents and carers 2023.pdf
Private Fostering
private fostering leaflets parentscarers a5 v4 1 .pdf
Useful links to support resources for parents
One to one Counselling/Informal Support for 13-25 year olds. LGBQT online project available at Q42 with lots of resources and weekly LGBTQ+ groups for under and over 18s.
Tel: 0161 228 7321
Manchester School Health Service
Able to provide advice and support on all health related matters for children and young people in Manchester.
Information, resources and advice to help yourself or a friend.
The Mix – Body Image and Self-Esteem
A young people’s site with information and advice and resources about issues that can affect teenagers.
A website to support people with eating disorders
Information, advice and resources for children and young people and their families includes a section on Body Image and Bullying.
DOVE: Supporting young people all around the world to build positive body confidence and self-esteem.
Offers advice and support to victims of bullying. Call on 0808 800 2222.
A project creating conversations about the unique issues that men and boys face in the 21st Century.
The Proud Trust works with LGBTQ+ young people and offers weekly youth groups around Greater Manchester. On their website they have helpful advice, downloadable resources and group times.
Confidential 24 hours telephone support for all on 08457 909090 for a range of crises.
Telephone support for under 18’s and available 24 hours a day at 0800 1111.
Their helpline is open 10am – 10pm and can offer advice on topics from coming out to hate crime and information on STI testing. They can be reached at 0345 3303030
The Albert Kennedy Trust is available for LGBTQ+ people 16-25 who are homeless, sofa-surfing or living in crisis or living in a violent, hostile or abusive home. They are available at 0161 228 3308 Mon – Fri 10am – 4:30pm
Formerly Broken Rainbow, support for LGBTQ+ people experiencing domestic violence. Their helpline is 020 7704 2040. The opening hours of this line vary – online support and more information on website.
The Men’s Room for young men currently involved in, or worried about, sex work, runs a drop in space in Manchester’s Gay Village on Tuesday nights.
The Metropolitan Church and Imaan offer religious support for LGBTQ+ people (Christian and Muslim respectively.)
Information for trans youth, particularly around legal areas and transitioning. Gendered Intelligence also offers a range of advice.
Helpful links and information revolving around hate crime brought forward by the Greater Manchester Victims Service.
Help and advice for getting the most from your money and life.
Health and Wellbeing Padlet for Parent/Carers
A health and wellbeing toolkit for parents and carers created by 'Healthy Schools'.
Keeping your home free from damp and mould.
Rape Crisis England & Wales is the charity working to end sexual violence and abuse.
Prevent Radicalisation and Extremism
It can be hard to know what to do if you’re worried someone close is expressing extreme views or hatred, which could lead to them harming themselves or others.
SilverCloud Programmes for Parents and Carers
When your child is struggling with their mental health it can feel like a challenge. Some days are good but on others, even small daily tasks seem overwhelming. Perhaps your child feels out of control, constantly worried, or like they’re carrying around a weight that no-one else can see. There’s support available.
Exam season can be a challenging time for young people. Many feel stressed in the lead-up to their exams and worried in anticipation of their results. As adults, it can be difficult to know what we can do to support children and young people during this time. We've created some tip sheets full of practical advice to help young people, schools and families manage stress during exam season.
Top tips for protecting against cyber crime
What's On for Families and Young People
Working with partners across the city, Manchester City Council are dedicating 2022 to our children and young people. ‘Our Year’ is an exciting year-long programme of activities, events, opportunities and experiences for children and young people living in Manchester.
Making up for the time they’ve spent in lockdown and away from school, their hobbies and their friends, 2022 marks a well deserved year of opportunity for Manchester’s children and young people.
Find out more about the activities available here: Activities for Children and Young People in Manchester 2022 - Loads to Do
Cost of living Support
Keeping warm this winter
108095 a5 4pp easy read winter advice book v2 web 3 1 .pdf
Helping Hands
manchester city council helping hands guide.pdf
Manchester City Council Cost of Living Advice Line: 0800 023 2692.
A free phone number open 9:00-4:30 Monday to Friday to provide
- Support with benefits and help with rent
- Advice about debt and paying bills
- Food support (residents will receive a call back to understand their needs and connected into a local food offer)
- Help to get online
Agents on the phone line have access to language line for those residents whose first language is not English. Sign Video is also available for residents who may require this facility. An online form is available for those who do not wish to make contact by phone. The advice line also has its own web page that has links to information about how residents are able to access support.
Helpinghands information from Manchester City Council:
summer cost of living support.pdf
Power up Flavour:
power up the flavour booklet.pdf
power up the flavour meal plan recipes.pdf
Safer Internet
Advice for Parents and Carers:
Childnet - Help, advice and resources for parents and carers -
The UK Safer Internet Centre - Parents and Carers -
Internet Matters - Parental Controls -
Report Harmful Content - If you've experienced or witnessed harm online we can help -
Parent Friendly Guides for Keeping Young People Safe Online
how parent carers can talk about online safety.pdf
social media and mental health.pdf
what parent carers need to know video streaming apps.pdf
what parent carers need to know social pressures friends and followers.pdf
what parent carers need to know social media scams.pdf
what parent carers need to know sexting.pdf
what parent carers need to know protecting personal data.pdf
what parent carers need to know phone scams.pdf
what parent carers need to know live streaming.pdf
what parent carers need to know group chats.pdf
what parent carers need to know email scams.pdf
what parent carers need to know age ratings.pdf
cyber crime gmp top 10 cyber crime protect 002 2.pdf
Bereavement Support
Grief support for Young People
Grief support for Parent/Carers
Gaddum – Bereavement Support
Child Bereavement UK
Healthy Packed Lunches
NHS - Healthy Family Recipes
Change for Life Lunchbox Leaflet
Oral Health
Children's Teeth