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Wright Robinson College

Why Wright Robinson? 

Open Evening success

After a successful Open Evening on the 12th September, we would like to extend our thanks to everyone who joined us. Please access this page for further details and videos about Team Wright Robinson. Please look under the admission tab to see how you can apply for your place in Year 7 starting September 2025. 

What to expect in Year 7





 Parent and carer handbook 


parent carer handbook 2024.pdf


 Welcome to Wright Robinson College



Read and download our FAQ sheet here:

 *Please find updated Bus Timetable information for September 2024 here. Please be aware this information is correct as of 21.2.24 and is subject to change*

Additional Support 

Moving-up-to-secondary-school.pdfIf you have any additional questions, please contact Miss Holtom at college on 0161 370 5121.